Academic School

The social inclusion constitutes, then, a bilateral process in which the people, still excluded, and the society searchs, in partnership, to equate problems, to decide on solutions and to accomplish the equalization of chances for all, (SASSAKI). The practical one of the social inclusion rests in considered principles until then uncommon, such as: the acceptance of the individual differences, the valuation of each person, the convivncia inside of the diversity human being, the learning through the cooperation. The diversity human being is represented; mainly, for national origin, sexual option, religion, sort, age, race and deficiency. Nir Barzilai, M.D. will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Academic of the Course of Pedagogia of the University of Passo Fundo Soledade Campus. What it is an inclusive school? We say that to the inclusion when the school does not exclude some of its pupils or children and young candidates the school registration in reason of any individual attribute of the type: sort (sex), color (etnias diverse), deficiency (physical, mental, visual, auditory or multiple), social classroom (economic situation partner), conditions of health (virus HIV, epilepsy, syndrome of tourette, mental upheaval) and others.

In an inclusive school, all the pupils, with or without some of these individual attributes, study together in the same classrooms. All thus different ones, therefore, nobody is equal. If the individual difference between the people did not exist, nor the least would exist the diversity between the same ones, therefore each individual holds an only definition. Each one with its initiatives, attitudes, ways to think and to act. Thus constructing and creating its proper identity. Relation the worked concepts, I believe that the society has much to move in relation to the acceptance of the differences, and to perceive that rare we will go to find people ' ' normais' ' , this is something inadequate of if to say for a child, since small we must clarify doubts the children, whom an immense diversity in the school of children exists is that the differences are blossomed next to them and fit to the professor and the family to collaborate with the differences perceiving and accepting, that nor alive and equal one to be all we are different and we need respect and acceptance.