
The necessary shift towards social altruism not is by chance that we have been created as social beings. If we look deeply at our behavior, we will find that every action we perform is aimed to attract us social appreciation. That’s what sustains us, and his absence or, worse, the denunciation of the society, causes us the greatest suffering. Feel ashamed by this indifference or disregard social, is the terrible thing that a person can experience, and why we tend to tolerate and encourage it through social values as an exercise of the power of our ego over others. Therefore, if we change the values of the social environment in which we live, attracting altruistic values such as the concern for others, sharing, and mutual union, can then change our attitudes towards them.

When society values the person only by their behaviour or dedication to society, all necessarily strive to think and act in favour of the same. If removing the awards we give to individual excellence, and We appreciated the people only by their social concern, so far as children deem their parents by these standards, if friends, relatives, and colleagues examined us only according to how well we relate with others, then we would like to do good at all for to gain us the appreciation of society. Thus, gradually come to feel that express this altruism or generosity toward others is a special and sublime value in itself, in addition to the social recognition given. We will find that this attitude is in fact the source of perfect and unlimited pleasure; the comprehensive law of nature, that everything against it and sustains. While society now is selfish, it is quite prepared to move towards the following altruistic Act of nature. Education and culture have always been based on the altruistic principles. In our homes and at school, we teach our children to be compassionate, kind and friendly.