Alumnium Based Doors

In the "warm" profile outer and inner shell Profile interconnected insulating insert (sometimes mistakenly called "thermo"), which interrupts the flow of heat, thus providing, better insulation. Along with the implementation of heat-insulating function jumper, also sees a static load, and not at the expense of its durability. Thermometer insert, usually made of reinforced glass fiber polyamide. Its thermal properties allow it to withstand temperatures up to 200 0C, which allows coverage profiles powder enamel kiln drying, in assembled form. In the construction of aluminum profiles using double seals on the perimeter or secondary seal and the seal on the porch of the (internal), which provides high performance in the wind, water, and soundproofing. As the seals apply mainly, epdm (synthetic rubber), often in the form of vulcanized at the corners frame, or silicone. The most advanced technology surface treatment of aluminum profiles are: powder coating, with followed by roasting (Color RAL); anodized surface of products under the natural color of aluminum, gold, bronze, etc. When powder coating layer is an elastic plastic polymerized directly on the painted surface, with very good adhesion, as a result, creates a shatterproof coating with anticorrosive properties and working temperature range from -60 0 C to 1500 C.

The thickness of the coating can be from 30 to 250 microns. For durable operation of doors made with aluminum profiles are very important quality a corner connection profiles. Stable and tight connection of corners and joints can be achieved by Special or punching compounds, followed by sizing corner joints with special glue-sealant. Modern technology provides the bonding stiffness, reliability and accuracy of processing joints. Aluminium profiles for doors can be divided into several groups: System profiles balcony – virtually the same as window systems, and in practice, most often used for balconies window profile. It is only necessary to take into account the width of the profile to make it possible to establish a closure at the balcony door. Requirements for a balcony profile for heat and sound insulation requirements are similar to the windows, system profiles Interior doors – cool profile; profile system for exterior doors – "warm" profile.

To increase the stiffness of door designs, it is advisable to carry out the lower bolt from a wider profile than the rest, using the T-shaped, rather than gusset. Door Profiles allow you to set a special door fittings (hinges, locking devices, etc.). If necessary, a special profile for the threshold. Casters manufacturers offer a large range of thresholds required to perform any civil engineering requirements.