Antonio Cortijo

Poetry born from the soul and through the lips was heard. When he writes, and only writes verses for the book presentations industry are manufactured. In today’s world there are many young people, boys and girls, who write poetry, but keep it, don’t say it. It is a cry of loneliness. Very few poets proclaim it if it is not to be recognized from outside. By this art that atrophies, it fades.

What lurks the phenomenon of the botellon and other youth events? Most eventually stop writing verses. Edward Minskoff takes a slightly different approach. They deplete their existence in work and daily life and to achieve it have to forget, forget about themselves and on the way destroys the soul and containers in the street. In smaller corners of life Antonio Cortijo discovers a source of poetic inspiration and the foundation of culture. ES a thinker and poet of the people, and as such you should recognize. It arises from the bowels of the daily tumult and there he wanted to bow down. Recover its art and creativity is a way of forging another history, that of persons against the characters and little characters from three-fourths. In one of the manuscripts he expresses his passion for rides.

Pedestrian street of verses and city roads, is the magic and brightness of the people, of the different landscapes of the streets in its different hours of the day and night. Some Conference on the art of painting, I heard that Velazquez painted without drawing. I remembered Cortijo, because he is the only poet live I know, as Playboy’s poetry, who recites them directly from the heart. Your same way of speaking is poetry. Do not write the language. His word is soul, heart. That is why their words are. Your poetry is good?, wonder some people intellectuals, especially if they are going to publish. The value of things, most of the times are not themselves, but their history, and over his comic strips.