
If you are not in the room is a shower, you'll have to share it with more people on your floor. May arise some inconvenience to the preparation of homework, especially if you're used to cook it in silence. In general, if you do not like to live in a community of young and cheerful – not selites in a student dormitory, then something quieter. Accommodation in apartments. This option works best for adults and maximum independence for people who prefer not to change the usual daily schedule and organize their own time. Rent accommodation generally people who are going to London for a sufficiently long period (1 month) and the campaign, consisting of 2-5 people, so it turns out cheaper. Otherwise, you will have to shell out a tidy sum.

Company, organizing a trip, you will select the most a suitable apartment, which, incidentally, can be removed and upon arrival in London, will help you in this language school employees, in which you intend to learn. But it's best to take care of accommodation in advance. By signing the contract, find out what included in the housing. Cost of living in an apartment can be very different and will depend on many conditions: the location, number of rooms and people living in them, quality furniture and stuff. Affordable Apartments one person will cost $ 120 a day. Book a hotel room. Some travel agencies that send students to study in England, provide the opportunity of booking and staying in a hotel. Incidentally, in the summer better book a room in advance, because you want to learn and relax in the summer in England abound.

This way of living can be called one of the most expensive, but there are a lot of advantages: 1. First, you have the opportunity to live fully independent lives. 2. Secondly, you do not spend time on house cleaning and other domestic problems. 3. You have to no one is accountable for the water, you do not have to delve into finer details of the payment of utilities, account for guests, for the arrival and departure times, etc. By the inconvenience Room can be attributed primarily food is quite expensive. In the first two options accommodation you could cheaply feed the family, student cafeteria, but if you live in a hotel, breakfast and dinner you will either have to cafes, restaurants, or in the hotel itself, which is much more expensive. Cost of living in Amenities may vary. Everything depends on its location (center or outskirts of London), the number of stars, etc. On average, two-star hotel will cost from $ 90 per night, star of approximately $ 100, four – $ 135 per day. In Generally, you see, accommodation in London you can pick out the most varied, most importantly the right to determine the requirements for this housing, with your abilities and desires. Every year in England for training come from more 600 000 Foreigners, therefore, plenty of accommodation options to suit every taste for every purse.