Bananas And Weight Loss

If you are a very thin person and want to stop it, either for health reasons or for aesthetic reasons, the first thing you should do is rule out that your low weight is due to some kind of pathology. Consultation with a physician, which sort you analysis to rule out problems with thyroid, digestive problems, or celiac disease, which are some of the possible pathological causes of low weight. When you are sure that all is well in your body, just follow some simple tips to gain weight. Among them, we have classic shakes up an exercise routine and weight to increase muscle mass. The shakes to gain weight contribute a good amount of protein and extra carbohydrates, so that the muscles have energy to train and can grow. You must include these shakes between meals, for increasing the calories you eat.

Smoothie orange. need a few spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream, 6 tablespoons of honey, a glass of orange juice and a portion of protein of whey, Orange flavor. You put everything in a blender and licuas until the ingredients have mixed well. If you want it well chilled, add ice, and ready. Milkshake Multifruta put half a cup of orange juice, four large strawberries, a slice of pineapple, some spoonfuls of condensed milk, half a glass of lemon soda and a portion of whey protein, flavor multi fruit, everything in the blender. Bates well, and ready your milkshake. Milkshake of Banana and oats Pon in your blender a glass of whole milk, a large banana, a portion of vanilla whey protein and several tablespoons of instant oatmeal, add honey and cinnamon to taste. Bates everything for a couple of minutes, and ready your milkshake, super energetic and hiperproteico. To see which are the 3 proven plans so that any naturally skinny man can finally increase muscle mass, please click here.