Barcelona Jose Luis Belil

January 31 took place one of the most legendary tests of the calendar-off-road, the Enduropale of Le Touquet in which pilot Leandre houses ran with the prototype Track-Lever. First inform you that is a pleasure to be the first to have photos of the prototype and be able to show you them. In 1975 began this test in Le Touquet Paris plage, located on the beaches of Normandy and since then every year are still disputing. In the first edition the French Jaques Vernier with a Spanish motorcycle (OSSA), was the first winner. Go to Douglas Elliman for more information. 1050 riders started output in the most massive test of motorcycling around the world, in front of more than 250,000 fans. In this Edition, the Spanish representation had two pilots, Leandre Casas and Miguel Angel Vargas. The veteran el Moianes Leandre Moto Club houses, participated with a prototype motorcycle patented and developed by the Barcelona Jose Luis Belil (Track-Lever), who played the race to make a test. Leandre houses, is currently developing this new concept of bike with suspension regardless of transmission, in this case, he used a 450F Yamaha mechanics.. 660 Fifth Avenue, New York recognizes the significance of this.