Barcelona Real Estate

The key to reactivate the sale is, in principle, very simple: to match the price at which sellers put on sale the property to the amount they are willing to pay the buyers. However, the first has always been historically above the second, making a profit expectations and spending of others always clash in the field of negotiation. A recent study reveals that real estate portal the homes of three bedrooms, 90 m and a price in excess of 345,000 are the most sought after by potential buyers Catalans. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jorge Perez. By province, the picture changes slightly. Thus, in Girona and Tarragona are inclined toward the two rooms. With respect to the surface, the type most desired by the prospective owners has 90 square meters, matching the average for the region. In Lleida, the defendants would have floors 80 m, while in Girona and Tarragona triumph smaller floors, namely 60 m. The appearance of the price also differs.

By example, in Barcelona is where the Catalan average is reached, the 345,000, followed, where the favorite properties ranging from 180,000 to 195,000 euros and Gerona in the search that prices are between 165.000 and 180.000 euros. The lower estimate is handled in Tarragona: between 135,000 and 150,000 euros. As for rent in Catalonia, the report reveals that now demands smaller apartments for the same price. Tenants Catalans want flats of 60 m with two bedrooms and a monthly income of between 600 and 700 euros. Girona Tenants are looking for the larger apartments (80 m and 3 bedrooms), followed by Lleida and Tarragona. With respect to the ground most wanted, most are opting for apartments of 60 m and 2 bedrooms. The lowest monthly payments offered by the prospective tenants are located in Lleida and Tarragona (between 400 and 500 euros), followed by Girona (between 500 and 600 euros). Barcelona is back in the lead, as the most popular price range between 600 and 700 euros.