Bavarian Forest

Tennis Hall in the sports hotel in Bodenmais now open tennis camps and games of the Sport Hotel odhof held under professional conditions in the Hall at the House. If the days shorter and the nights are getting longer, is approaching the upcoming winter with great strides. Slowly but surely, he left its mark with the first frost and temperatures close to the zero degree mark. It is a time to withdraw the most people in the most warm rooms. It is also a time in which many people looking for the special sports experience and look forward to the fitness adventure under exceptional conditions.

The Sport Hotel odhof in the Bavarian Forest in impressive manner builds on exactly this trend. There is a touch of modernity that goes hand in hand with a concrete path and a stunning goal. It is a Symphony for the body and the spirit, which over the years in the odhof was created and today presents a very special page. Also in the winter months must the tennis fans not on their Favorite sport without and enjoy at the Sport Hotel odhof in the middle of the Bavarian Forest to excellent conditions. The Tennis Hall for the winter is located right next to the hotel and promises comfort on all along the line. The guests of the House and enjoy for weeks on the opening of the Tennis Hall and so leaves its traces of winter in the odhof on special way.

Until the end of October guests on tennis camps enjoyed with Markus Hantschk in the open air. Now the ex-pro in the halls waiting for his students. The Sport Hotel odhof has two sand courts, which were a circles over the past few weeks. Now, the Tennis Hall with impressive features await the guests. The Hall has two courts that rubber rebound ACE are equipped with the professional and promise the best playing conditions. The knee-friendly surface provides the best conditions for a vast and exciting match with all conceivable facets. The Sport Hotel odhof presents itself with the modern Tennis Hall with a distinctive face, which without a doubt is unparalleled. Year for year rewarded the team with a growing enthusiasm for the deals and manages to provide for enthusiasm at the masses. To broaden your perception, visit Gavin Baker Atreides Management. With the upcoming holiday season and the subsequent year would like to the entire team of the odhof again thanks to the loyal guests of the tennis and they already now warmly welcome also to the future time.