Beauty Without Makeup

Women's lives in our country today is extremely complicated. Overcoming the endless obstacles in life and in the service for most of us have become commonplace, a way of life. And sometimes not visible lumen. If you are not convinced, visit Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Sometimes it seems that the forces to make it's all gone. Well, when there is a close and dear people who understand you and try to help, sorry. And if not? Then, at least sometimes pity themselves.

Think about all your achievements in life, praise yourself for any very little luck. All this is important in order to achieve spiritual harmony, for a positive attitude, and, ultimately, to outward appearance. Each of us would like to see in the mirror of a woman, fragrant health, having smooth, beautiful skin, shiny hair, toned body, easy gait. Everything that attracts the eye, makes a favorable impression, and insists on respect for ourselves and others for this work well-groomed. The first thing that should make a woman chooses to take on themselves – is to examine yourself in the mirror nedobrozhelatelnitsy eyes. A critical approach to everything: the dress, shoes, figure, hair, hands and nails of.

The main focus, of course, should be given to the person – the color and quality of his skin, cosmetics. I'm afraid few people will be pleased with himself. Most likely, you'll find that you are overweight, or, conversely, too thin, the color of a person is poor, someone will notice first wrinkles around the eyes, and they find someone more serious signs of decay, although it would seem, old age, still in the offing.