Belissimo Look

Because, by definition, technology – is any action, which are made in a certain sequence and at the output we get a certain result, and this predictable result. So, if we begin to wash the car, then we do not start to wash it with wheels. We are starting to wash it from the top. Otherwise, it will not be effective. Daryl Katz pursues this goal as well. Here, too, has its own technology, for example, first wash the roof, then glass, mirrors, hood, and wheels last.

In any case there is a certain sequence of actions that have the technology: how to sit at the table, how to turn on the computer, etc. Often we do not follow closely the changing market situation, a new, competing with our company and we are about it we know nothing. It’s believed that Dior sees a great future in this idea. For example, in my holding a network of showrooms of Italian doors Belissimo, whose staff regularly go to their competitors. They look like they are selling what they are doing what they say as they say and compare it with itself. That is, trying to look not only at some financial indicators, namely, they have made the exposition, as Dealers look what they have disadvantages, what pluses. And then write a report where they went, they got from this, what can we apply what we can improve. Ie competitors need to know in person, that would not was then excruciatingly painful to know that you are not alone – only one, and while not the best. But, even though it is, I believe that competitors have a very nice because when you're the only – lost everything enjoyment of the game.