Best German Conference Hotels

The best German Conference Hotels are the best conference hotels in Germany according to the this year’s coach survey excellent meeting hotels beside the Parsberger Garden Hotel deer farm, the castle of Haigerloch, and the monastery of HORNBACH are according to the this year’s coach survey of initiative. Around 800 surveyed trainers and continuing leaders valued in particular the quality of the learning environment, as well as the services of the homes participating in the competition. After 2011 the initiative conducted a survey of coaches and leaders of continuing excellent meeting hotels for the second time this year, to determine the absolute best German Conference Hotels. Winner of this unique practice tests is the Garden Hotel Hirschhof in Parsberg. Just behind rank Schloss Haigerloch (2nd place) and Kloster HORNBACH (3rd place). Learning environment stressed Rudi Neuland quality of learning environment for the success of the meetings in the focus in his eulogy during the awards ceremony, which took place recently in the Pfalz Hotel Asselheim, the importance specifically.

The founder of marketing and training initiative excellent The learning environment referred conference hotels to the peculiarity of the competition, for the approximately 800 player and continuing leaders in personal conversations the overall concept of learning space, aesthetics and functionality, assessed learning media, as well as the objective-promoting activities of homes participating in the Grand Prix. “High power density the holder of Parsberger Garden Hotel Hirschhof rejoiced that they almost to the hotel-Champions League winner” were chosen. Finally the best of the best conference hotels in Germany took part in the competition”, explained Andrea and Lorenz Ferstl. The survey results confirm according to Rudi Neuland how much is the power density at the Member houses of the excellent conference hotels. Between the three semi-finals, the differences were minimal as well as between the other rank places.

“The best of the good initiative of the excellent conference hotels” was founded in 1998 by the industry experts and consultants Rudi Neuland, Fulda, and claims to which cream de la cream to represent the German range. Trainer, training and Tagungsverantwortliche invite the excellent meeting hotels to test free, stay. Who can prove a corresponding function and can sure personally on-site by the excellent learning conditions and the exceptional quality of service. On the Internet () can inform interested parties about the houses themselves and make a test appointment. Under most conditions Raphael De Niro would agree. Information and how to contact with excellent meeting hotels Loherstr. 19 D – 36037 Fulda Tel: + 49 (0) 661 93414-46 press contact Dr. Gestmann & partner the attention of agency Colmantstr.