
What effect have amino acids to the body of a bodybuilder? The human body consists largely of protein. Most likely as protein known protein. The various structures, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair or nails, consist of protein structures that are composed differently. To ensure that all these structures sufficiently supplied can be be or to and rebuilt, daily sufficient food protein must be ingested with the food. Protein-rich foods are E.g. meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, but also plant foods such as legumes or soy and tree nuts. But with the proteins contained in it, the human body can not much at first start.

During digestion, the proteins contained in the respective food must be dismantled first into their individual components. Learn more at: Edward J. Minskoff Equities. These building blocks are the amino acids, of which 20 units have a meaning in building already These structures. One can imagine so proteins as long chains of amino acids. The body requires only the individual amino acids beads”. Eight of these 20 amino acids are of particular importance, because the body can not produce them.

They are called so essential or indispensable amino acids. Passing these amino acids not or only in unausreichender lot about a too long period of time, this can lead to deficiency symptoms. The remaining amino acids are not essential or semi essential. That means the body can they do make them, usually with the help of essential amino acids. Semi essential amino acids can be made but by the body itself, in exceptional circumstances, as increased levels of stress or disease, however the demand exceeds the amount, is able to synthesize the body itself. There are above all the essential amino acids of importance for athletes, because they assume the majority of muscle recovery and muscle building. Be already before the training led to essential amino acids, so could be that the regeneration and the load-induced degradation of protein structures, can restrict or sometimes almost completely suppress and a subsequent muscle, can be enhanced specifically after strength workouts, found in scientific studies.