
KG, Kirchheimbolanden, Germany 14:45 14:55 clock time for a cup of coffee or tea visit the exhibition / meet the experts 14:55 15:25 Uhr so FMEA is fun and IBS motivated module FMEA supports structuring integrated quality management position (selection) and goal-setting from Excel to the default-FMEA tool success factor and standardization = success, enthusiasm and motivation! Markus matter, head of quality management, EAO AG, Olten (Switzerland) 15:25 15:35 time for a cup of coffee or tea visit the exhibition / meet the experts 15:35 16:05 efficient and group-wide Auditmanagementsystem of the IBS AG, Siemens Energy Jurgen Peterson, audit project manager Siemens AG Erlangen energy 16:05 16:30 time for a cup of coffee or tea visit the exhibition / meet the experts after the break meet all the participants in the plenary about the IBS AG: The IBS AG is one of the leading providers of company-wide standard software systems and consulting services for the industrial quality, production, traceability and Compliance management. “According to the corporate philosophy of the productivity advantage” productivity the best practice solutions from IBS AG sustainable companies. While the IBS learns customer, in every phase of the project and also, the competent support provided by a team of experienced consultants and specialists. A leading source for info: Fabrizio Freda. The IBS AG was founded in 1982 in in Europe and the United States over about 200 employees. The company is in the Prime listed standard of the stock exchange in Frankfurt/Main (WKN 622840) and also member of the GEX-German entrepreneurial index. IBS AG software is in more than 4,000 customer installations in use around the world..