Brazilian Cities

We have that to think the reality of the cities from a vision of support of the families who live and fight here have as much time for life improvements and preservation of the culture of the local peoples, respecting the diversities of the marginal and aboriginal communities that live here. In such a way then to think the housing as primordial factor about the life of the human being. It is possible to think and to reflect together politics that take care of the demand of our region.

because not to think politics habitacionais that take care of the necessities of our cities? Cities that are many devoid ones and taking in consideration the used concept to the use of the cities, leading in consideration the particularitities of the marginal communities, respecting all existing, social, cultural and racial the diversities. Cities exist that have enter the 12 25 a thousand inhabitants, what already it leaves in them opposed the thought politics the urbanization of the cities. Although the advances in the habitacional Politics in the history of this Country, still exist much difficulty that hinder that our small cities which present about 99% of lacks with respect to worthy housing has access to the available resources to surpass all this lack. Amongst great the problematic resultants of the urbanization it is distinguished in special the inherent one to the housing, that is, the raised habitacional deficit and the inadequao of the existing housings in virtue of the precariousness, insalubridade, illegality or still of the irregularity. The habitacional deficit Brazilian is of seven million and two hundred and twenty three a thousand housings, beyond also raised number of inadequate habitations. In result of these numbers, in recent years, the governments, the civil society and popular movements, come searching and solutions for this picture alternative that is not restricted to Brazil.