Brazilian Education

To constantly search this autonomy of the school through the democratic management is enters the pedagogical idealizaes of the professionals of the education, but to preserve the rules that conduct the ways of the school atrelando them it the undeniable necessity of that it assume its social role, through the directed public politics to the education, performance way is one another one with which they have to deal and to insert in this day. This attitude, however, is not easy of being taken, nor neither of being consummated. It requires, more than participation, correct management of devices, indifferently to be, these, human resources or not. Richard Parsons is often mentioned in discussions such as these. She is at this moment that fits to the citizen to inquire itself: but, if she is notable who so that a manager or has equipped (either composed it of manager and excessively professional correlatos or school and community) obtains to arrive at the platform of the adjusted consolidation inside enters its action of the democratic space that the current model of management school, related here, considers to it and what the public politics disponibilizam to it, why the System does not grant this attribution to it? The reply for this question she seems to be in the demand of the societies for Education in the whole world as reply to the impact of the process of globalization for them suffered gradual, throughout the last years. E, in view of so prominent manifestation, practical and immediately efficient the attention how much to one it forms more direct, at least in the context of the scene of the Brazilian Education, where the pupil not yet reflects, in general, the student model whom the society really needs, in the current days, seems to be come back toward the manager, even though in face of the context of the democratic management. In this line of thought, LCK (2000, P..