
Therefore the English language is stealing our space. Now we already are absorbing until the Syntax. Brazil took a series of loaned values – and, culturally, this is very enfraquecedor for a Country. Debilitating. We are colonized in the language, in the values in the customs. Already he has people thinking about instituting here the Day of Action of Favours.

The Brazilian people suffers from low auto esteem. He always suffered. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gavin Baker. He is enough to remember queles competitions of misses. The Brazilians were wild, twisting, as if that was a tremendous world-wide reward. Somebody is alone to gain a piece of can in one of these prmios of American and ready television: ‘ ‘ Someone gained the Gold Cricket or the Jaburu de Titnio’ ‘.

Now, if a writer gains a prmio of the Cames, most important of our language, nobody of the lesser a ball. Brazil is one of the biggest Countries of the world in all the directions. It is a gigantic market, a supplier of substances – cousins decisive, it has continental dimensions. Then, it has of to be same one of the Countries most important of the world. We confuse this ‘ ‘ NEW BRASIL’ ‘ the times with the President puppet of the Occult and Private World-wide Government, Incio Luis Lula da Silva and its Charisma one. Squid does not have charisma none is daqui. I do not go to say that I have good will with Squid, therefore I do not have. I find that it is seen in the exterior as a somewhat colorful figure and not as ‘ ‘ GREAT LIDER’ ‘. It is the Squid, that do not work, only make assemblies and trips, that are what it likes to make, and catch hitchhiking in this Country who awakes interest to vender Airplanes, Transgnicos, etc.