Carbohydrate Diet

If you are performing any of diets low in carbohydrates, one of the things which should not eat is pasta. Read more here: Jorge Perez. It can be difficult to stay away from pasta if you really love him. Many people that dieters experience coma of carbohydrates is when they eat a huge plate of pasta and remain out of combat for half an hour or more after finishing. This is the effect of the Paste on blood sugar; It causes a peak of insulin and blood glucose plummets. At the same time, the pasta is high in carbohydrates.

Low carb Shirataki pasta now, you don’t have to worry about the effects of the Paste on the blood sugar and your weight loss goals. Currently there is the Shirataki pasta, considered miraculous pasta for pasta lover. Shirataki is a paste that has no gluten no calories and is low in carbs and high in fiber. While Shirataki has carbohydrates, only a small part of them is digested in the small intestine (this way, you can make a diet without being forced to take diet pills). Shirataki noodles are prepared based on the root of a plant, Amorphophallus konjac, which grows in many parts of Asia. This plant is a rich source in a type of fiber called glucomannan, believed plays an important role in the control of blood glucose and cholesterol levels, as well as promoting weight loss.

Thai scientists have discovered that an only gram of glucomannan can significantly slow the absorption of glucose in the blood after eating a meal high in carbohydrates. It does this so that almost any food that is consumed is healthier. Buy Shirataki noodle Shirataki noodles are packed in liquid. It is one of the foodstuffs that can be eaten directly from the package. There are two varieties of Shirataki noodles available: yam (Gummy noodles) and tofu (elastic noodles). These noodles are basically flavorless and almost translucent. Since the noodles have no flavor, acquire any flavor that you add them. Before cooking, however, sure of Rinse well. You can use Shirataki to make many recipes of pasta, such as pad Thai and other fried noodles, as well as pasta primavera and many other Italian dishes. Interested to try this pasta? It is likely to find it in most health food stores.