
Most Speeding ticket there in Italy because it’s not that 16% of respondents in the holiday destination once a ticket for wrong parking have received and 5% surprised twice or more often. Most penalties existed in Italy: A quarter of the respondents Italy traveller once a parking ticket received, 7% twice and 6% three times or more. Comparatively often, also United States travelers were punished: a total 29% of them received at least a ticket. Best car hire holiday in Greece and Portugal got away: of them, 90% have received not only sentence for false parking respectively 88%. Often not sufficiently only 9% of all participants were always sufficient signs for the Park rules the signage of the parking regulations on the spot, at least 56% found them often enough. Holiday-makers are the least satisfied, where there were also the most speeding tickets, namely in Italy: nearly half of all Italy-holiday-makers, and 48% found the signs never, rarely or even never sufficient.

France and the United States better off, where is 76% and 75%, respectively the vacationers positive comment on the signs to the Park rules. Dissatisfaction with parking only 62% of respondents rated the paid and free parking in the holiday region as sufficient a 19% rate it as insufficient. Here Italy scores below average: 33% think that there are not enough free and paid parking. The vast majority of respondents is valued differently depending on the holiday country paid parking facilities, namely 77% of all respondents used car parks or parking. Their condition, as well as the amount of the fees for parking rate them differently depending on the country. To the cost of United States travelers expressed most unzufriedensten: 34% find it too high. At the same time, the highest level of satisfaction with the State of 77% as good to excellent feel there is here. The worst cuts off Italy, where 42% of travelers the quality of car parks or paid parking as mostly acceptable,.

classify the often poor or even bad. Emerges from the feedback of the survey participants also, that paid parking is often absent, where the fee can be paid. For example, an Italy traveler complains about to purchase ticket in the bar, was but not signposted,”. Car makers should inform themselves in advance of Park rules domestically holiday park tickets, which are available only at the bar or in the tobacco shop, colored parking areas, parking, which become marketplaces on certain days of the week the respondents call numerous examples of Park rules that differ from those in Germany, very. “Our survey shows: car rental customers should before the holiday better inform yourself about the parking rules on the spot”, Carsten Greiner says. “We use this knowledge to optimize our service: in the future we will inform each customer prior to departure by E-Mail to the most important traffic rules in the country of rental.” The broker CarDelMar, caters for March 2005 car rental worldwide. For even more details, read what Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX says on the issue. Thereby, CarDelMar cooperates with international car rental companies such as Alamo, Avis, Europcar and local car rental companies. Since September, 2011, CarDelMar escape group among the car. All car rental packages are available in the travel office or see. A graphic on the survey is available at company/press kontakt.php to download.