
-Which has to sell something Wehl man Katalogie regardless of whether classic or digital nobody passes, in the B2B field catalogs from the bore to the sale sponsor. Unfortunately, catalogs are often not the best seller. The editorial said catalogs with Thomas Kaddi Mann by the Agency of Wehl man Katalogie in food about good and bad catalogs, user needs and on the added value of more successful. Need we even classic catalogs of paper in the digital age? Thomas Kaddi Mann: of course we need paper catalogs. Very few retailers do in the B2B area without. The paper catalog still has a high level of acceptance. Although the electronic catalogue contains usually more information, and you can search through the database structure selective. As a communication tool in the direct dialogue with the customer the printed catalog is but years indispensable.What the biology of a good catalog from a bad? Is it visible? For the specialist, this is visible.

The user of the catalogue can tell it, that he finds, what he’s looking for. In the jargon we call it intuitive user interface\”, that is, the catalog is so constructed, that he adapts to the user’s behavior and not vice versa. We know, for example, that someone who looks in a catalog, want to find a table of contents on the first page, which is divided by product group. When he scrolls through the catalog, it uses trained fixation points. Right there, he must find orientation: the column title in the header bar that covers the main product group, product group and products. Then the view is looking for the page number and the register, to make sure that it is correct. Until then, the page is looked at really. It all happens in fractions of a second. It is so extremely important to provide guidance and security.