
Also in 2007 China impactou the world when announcing that, using a rocket with explosive ogive, it obtained to destroy one of its proper meteorological satellites, even so the same was more than the 800 kilometers of height (MORAL, 2007, apud BROWN, 2008). At Edward Minskoff you will find additional information. This episode evidenced that, although China to public announce the pacifist character of its space program, them risked to launch it a weapon to the space, in a test of militarista matrix. It was the first time that an object was destroyed in the space for a weapon. The occurrence gave reason so that some nations expressed critical or concern with the Chinese attitude, as it was the case of Taiwan (JENNINGS, 2008 apud BROWN, 2008), Japan and Australia (BBC, 2007 apud BROWN, 2008). In an attempt to reduce critical the international ones, Hu Xiaodi, the ambassador for Subjects of Disarmament of China, it announced shortly afterwards that its country opposes it the militarization of the exterior space but left clearly that: …

is known by all the fact of that the space faces a serious threat of militarization, that if manifest in two aspects: the development of the program of defense anti-missile of U.S.A. and the project of control of the space (XINHUA, 2008 apud BROWN, 2008, P. 81). At the beginning of 2008, during the Conference on the Disarmament of Geneva, the Minister of the Foreign affairs of China, Yang Jiechi, affirmed that: … the Conference on the Disarmament of Geneva is the only international mechanism of multilateral negotiations on the disarmament and assumes the task to promote the control and the international disarmament armament.