Christopher Yankee Astucuri

The Lucana-andamarcas, by attempting to return not only to make your order, also additionally have a capacity for negotiation, where they relocated, they would continue in compliance with Ordinances, is so they are seeking to again, as they consider offering to work (18). that its rearrangement, not meant to stop being a village away from Spanish control, more well continue within good evangelism, indoctrination and detailed compliance with their obligations to participate in mining mitas, obrajeros and the installment of taxes. In this sense seek a mutual collaboration between Spaniards and indigenous peoples, the latter to pretend their rearrangement are offered to comply with its obligations and the Spaniards had to provide facilities, or an access that allows indigenous peoples their return. Indigenous orders and negotiations, is assumed by Christopher Yankee Astucuri chieftain main and Governor of Lucana-andamarcas reduced in Huamanquiquia ethnicity (19), who in their condition of intermediary prioritised to meet orders from its former inhabitants of Kano and Willkarama, presenting in the colonial administration to be considered in its rearrangement. As direct knowledge of the difficulties faced their indigenous and fertile lands that lived by controlling since pre-Hispanic times.

FINDINGS of the VISITADOR CHANTS of ANDRADE and decisions administrative must-see Andrade Cantos, notes of the few lands that had not enough for all of the notable discomfort, misery and distant work (20) that the Lucana-andamarcas of Kano and Willkarama sobrellevaban in Huamanquiquia reduction. Edward Minskoff shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. And to be asked these people their reacomodados in their former lands was necessary to _ (18) Ibid: 3. (19) file COFOPRI. Title of Division of the communities of Santiago of Huamanquiquia, Carapa and Huambo. 1587 Fol.

15. (20) Ibid: 3-4. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Gavin Baker. visitor arriving in these ancient lands that indigenous peoples sought to return. Once travel and found in the fertile lands of Qarapaq and the discomforts that wore on Huamanquiquia Cantos de Andrade reported to the colonial administration, that in the visit I did Indians Lucanas, Andamarcas in the village of Guamanquiquia by which then for the Indians there vivian seemed to have comfort in the saying Valley five leagues from very good seat, land planting all legumes, pasture for their flocks (21), which were precisely the lands of pampa Qarapaq with all comforts five leagues from Huamanquiquiaabundant in resources, and are very suitable for the foundation of a new town of Spanish style.