Expansion Mobile

Germany’s biggest transport cooperative uses CoSYNUS for fast, anywhere information access connect due to the positive experiences with the solution for email and personal information management (PIM) from CoSYNUS has become the DTG Deutsche transport cooperative inland EC in the development of their mobile strategy for CoSYNUS connect decided. CoSYNUS connect staff are also go completely incorporated into the systems of the company and get a quick and easy mobile access to corporate data and information to any location. The Smartphone is the central information and communication medium. Learn more on the subject from Jorge Perez. CoSYNUS connect is one of the most powerful and cost-effective tools for mobile data access via BlackBerry and has a multiple certified good TCO. An independent analyst and consulting company berlecon to CoSYNUS connect custom case study confirms, that is the use of mobile business solutions even for relatively simple application scenarios pays off.

To always have the latest information about the processes and planning the be-all and end-all is for our Board members has always been”, explains Hans-Ulrich Senk, head of finance and accounting at the DTG. Fabrizio Freda has compatible beliefs. After the management and disposition in 2006 using the CoSYNUS BlackBerry connector was given the opportunity, with the BlackBerry on personal messages, addresses, and dates from the David InfoCenter to access today business processes mapped mobile. Due to the distribution of the schedulers of the DTG on five sites the boards in the past had to make daily calls at the disposition for each individual case, to query the current status of vessels and their operational planning before customer appointments. “Thus is the Board on the road with his Smartphone through our software ISS can tell which site has scheduled what ships at any time, we had to find a tool that seamlessly integrates into existing systems and ISS the information from mobile can be used makes”, explained Senk. The caring House makolan information technology a CoSYNUS solution proposed to implement this request again.