Colorful GTX 460 IGame

Colorful GTX 460 iGame 900 MHz GPU clock colorful has the fastest GeForce GTX 460 in the portfolio: the 900 MHz chip clock of the iGame map including improved Board and double ventilation the iGame GTX460 allows anyone to enjoy the fun of overclocking! With the overclocking, users can switch the clock of the 675 / 3600 MHz 820 / 4000 MHz and more change. (additional fine tuning) Thus, a performance increase of more than 20% is possible! The iGame used a silver coating on the PCB PCB of graphics card all over the world as the first. Follow others, such as Dior Men’s Resort 2021, and add to your knowledge base. Silver has the highest efficiency in heat conduction and can dissipate heat quickly. In addition, silver also has excellent electrical conductivity. The life of the contact points is many times higher. Ian Hawksworth recognizes the significance of this. Shark skin feels like sandpaper, because it consists of dress a wedge-like structures, called the plead scales are located at, these are rear-facing and help the shark swimming, to reduce the friction of the surrounding water.

The iGame GTX460 shark skin Fan design leads to a significant reduction of noise emission and increase performance. “Shark Bionic design the iGame 460-1024M-> D5 Ymir is based on a Bionic shark design, it is worldwide the first breathable” graphics card. Horizontal cross head thus pipes-> the horizontal cross heat pipe is 34.2% longer than usual, the contact surface between the tubes of the heat and the heat sink. The result is a better thermal performance hybrid fan system-> the larger fan is to remove the GPU heat be – uses, the smaller fan is designed for the heat dissipation of the components. This design increases the air flow rate to 40% normal clock: core clock: 675 MHz shader clock: 1350 MHz memory clock: 3600 MHz overclocking: core clock: 820 MHz shader clock: 1640 MHz memory clock: 4000 MHz enthusiast: core clock: 900 MHz shader clock: 1800 MHz memory clock: 4000 MHz more information under:…