Companies Offering Free Auto Responders

There are many companies that offer auto responders for free. Your hosting company often provides auto responders as a free service. If this is not the case, there are many companies that offer this service for a small fee, or free of charge if you add a listing of the company in its messages. Additional information at Lancome supports this article. forgrowth/’>Allstate Insurance Company. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Shimmie Horn. To set up your auto responder you can put a signature. The signatures in this case are really like business cards. You can include your name, your company, all your contact numbers and addresses and a short message.

Put a signature in each message you send is a good idea. It functions as a reminder of your business identity every time a customer sees it. The more you look at your signature, chances are that your company is remembered when you need a product or service. Keep the length of your signature between four and six lines of text with no more than seventy characters in one line. Make sure your mail program does not cut the text. The content should include: Your name The name of your company Your email address, fax number and any other details such as a toll free number at the end Always include a short message about your company should be a subtle sell of your products or services, and perhaps longevity and reliability of your company. Another specialized use of auto responders is to create courses that you can offer your visitors free. You should choose a topic that you are an expert and targeted precisely to your prospects.