Company Goals

So far the practice of our company has set goals for improving employee performance and make it to 12 months in advance. If you disagree with me, let's look ahead and see areas of my work where I can improve. Having identified these areas, I would like to make goals that will help me to improve in these areas over the next 12 months. " The offer made and there are two principles, reciprocity and precedence. The principle of reciprocity requires that somehow the person is returned to something similar to what she has given us. One consequence of reciprocity as Cialdini (1993) in his book Influence, is that one feels compelled to make a concession when granted something. Downplaying unfavorable evaluation, I would have made a concession. In referring to the practice of the company in terms of setting targets to 12 months in advance, I would indicate precedence.

If he had taken this approach to the interview, my head probably would not have called any resistance to focus on a common goal and interest for both. So we had no difficulty presented options for an action plan to implement in the next twelve months. The selected options have been satisfactory to both my director and me. The two would admit as its own the ideas developed and the agreed plan certainly benefit us both. Once my manager agreed to develop a plan of action (the principle of persuasion comes into play here) would apply two principles, commitment and consistency. The principle of commitment, according to Cialdini (1993) leads us to act accordance with the decisions we have taken.

Hopefully, henceforth to be classified as quality of work of employees of our company as formulated targets twelve months before and never again return to qualify fairly to all employees equally. The new assessment interview presented makes use of an objective and focuses on problem solving rather than fault-finding, while it is focused on the future and is governed by principles. This article has compared a job evaluation interview of an employee with the negotiation and has shown that taking entrenched positions is a negotiating strategy ineffective and potentially harmful. Effective negotiation strategy is based on principles that include mental division between issues and people, the approach and finding common interests for the parties to enter negotiations, the creation of options to help achieve mutual benefit and use of an objective in the negotiations. Article Arranz written by Director of Worship. "