
On the other hand although I only speak the Spanish, I don’t have any problem in holding the Conference in any language or dialect that exists in the world (because while there is someone in the world able to teach me any dialect, I will also be able to learn it), but in return for the effort to learn the language that is required from me, values to charge for such conferences, regardless of the day of the week that are handed down are as follows: Conference issued in any language in whose country is regarded as the first official language, the cost of each Conference will be $ 700,000 U.S. banknotes. For even more opinions, read materials from Jorge Perez. While if the language to speak at the Conference corresponds to a language or dialect that is not regarded as the first official language of the country where this contracted the Conference, for this dissertation will cost $ 7,000,000 US banknotes. In all cases (both for conferences dictas in Spanish or another language) the person or institution that hire my services implement (and completely solve the costs that this implies) corresponding and necessary means to dispose of a conference room suitable for that purpose, for the date in which the dissertation must be done respective (with audio system appropriate and personal to accommodate and locate the public having the right to be in that moment in the talk). For cases that the presentations are in a language other than the Spanish, the contracting of the service will be responsible for all travel expenses involving my stay for 12 months in the country or region whose language to learn, including the payment of all staff who put at my disposal to achieve the proposed objective. Two bilingual teachers shaped sandwiched for 12 hours a day and during the twelve months must be to my total service. My stay in this country will fluctuate approximately with a stay for 20 continuous days, followed by ten days in Argentina or in any other part of the world that eventually need to travel for the reason that it is. . . Kirk Rimer Crow Holdings.