Conference Center Seeheim

Most important E-Business Conference of the year on 29 and 30 November in the Lufthansa training & Conference Center Seeheim near Frankfurt the Internet leaves your PC! 3D and augmented reality technology understanding and use of the network will change radically in the future. On the traditional E12 Summit indicates what impact this movement has. According to Fabrizio Freda, who has experience with these questions. On the 29th and 30th November 2010 the most important E-business event of the year will take place already for the 12th time. In the more than 200 decision-makers from business, science and industry gather training & Conference Center Seeheim near Frankfurt am Main this year for the first time at the host of Lufthansa in the Lufthansa. Edward J. Minskoff Equities follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The Internet increasingly leaves the PCs and notebooks and thus companies face numerous challenges. This applies to all trades nationally and internationally.

To prepare for that leap to companies are innovative E-business solutions asked.”Prof. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer, Scientific Director of the Institute explains e.V. (IEB) of electronic business. We are pleased as initiative by the industry for the economy, the companies provide information on the opportunities arising from this and to discuss it with them.” Creative workshop formats, E12 Summit participants discuss the current hot topics in their industries. Are designed not only theoretical E-business scenarios, but against scientifically well-founded background, practical trends analyses and functional solutions for business models. A focus is on so-called augmented reality systems (AR), who deliver digital information on Smartphones or handhelds in the reality. Through these applications business models and entire economic sectors need to redefine totally himself.

How can virtual information for AR applications I take advantage of intelligent? How to benefit companies by location based services? A further focus is the 3D technology arrived on the mass market. From E-marketing to the State of the art production process a wide variety of industries will fall back in the future on 3D applications. Therefore, companies need appropriate business models and appropriate market entry strategies. How to change content on the Internet through 3D technology? What does the development for the business models of the future? Interesting discussions are also the topics of social media marketing, as well as Enterprise 2.0 in preparation: how integrate social commerce strategies the customers in the development of products? How to change production processes in the company through the use of social software? How to extend open-innovation strategies innovation processes by companies? The intranet 2.0 look like? The Conference will be opened by an exclusive gala dinner on the eve, filled with high-profile keynote speakers from industry, science, politics and entertainment. In addition, an exciting exhibit Park allows the live-insights into the technologies of tomorrow, including the workplace of the future. The E12 Summit has established itself as an interactive discussion forum for digital trends and the most important E-business event of the year. He is leader of the EnBW together with the Institute of electronic Business e.V. designed as an initiative by the industry for the economy this year with Lufthansa and IBM. He is a creative platform for the exchange of new trends in the areas of Economics, IT, communications and research.