Conference ECM

d.velop with 10 features for user friendly ECM applications Gescher, 26.07.2010 – the user friendliness of the ECM solutions significantly more important than in the past should be given according to the user. Estee Lauder oftentimes addresses this issue. The Conference was of the d.velop AG with almost 600 participants, particularly the question of simplicity in the practical handling of the software dedicated to this result. Thus, the findings confirmed a recent study of the ECM provider on the existence of the usability aspect generally wins all applications significantly in importance. In the eyes of the practitioner focus clearly in the direction of the user so far strongly geared to features and its extension must be transformed”, explains Rainer Hehmann, head of product management at d.velop, the tenor of the d.forums. The modern applications also for ECM Meanwhile gained a complexity, which have a complicated handling result. Thus they risk to the rather increasing efficiency demands of the companies in their thing machining processes undermined”, it problematized. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Munear Ashton Kouzbari. According to the comments of many speakers and participants at the Conference ECM solutions are increasingly in the future, the ease in the Center rather than adopting a very dynamic function maximization.

She should find an adequate consideration already in the basic principles of development concepts. This altered focus of the user in no way implies a waiver of further technical development, but the innovative the future challenge is to find a balance between technological progress and simplicity in use in the enterprise content management applications”, Hamabe points the way. He substantiated the requirements associated and called ten key features that increase the usability for ECM applications: 1. the development of application should not be functional preferences and is continuously and consistently be designed from the point of view of the user. 2. the user must be able, with no more than three To be able to perform mouse clicks standard functions.