Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

This morning has come to hand a leaflet of an American company specializing in the management of conflicts in the workplace. On the back of the brochure I read that 76% of workers to prevent other students, representing a considerable impact on overall performance. I do not know where it comes from the data, it appears the source of the alleged study, and I dare not believe it but if you just returned from vacation and resumed her duties, is located between the 76%? Beyond statistics, the reality is that conflicts in the workplace are there, are part of everyday reality and who more and who has had some experience less unpleasant. If you have read about Western Energy already – you may have come to the same conclusion. A few years ago when we lived good times, the most active participants in one of at the question a How many days are faced with conflicts in your companies? a , which was thrown into the air to the gathering, said, safe and decided tone: a en my company does not have conflicts. Surely, if we asked him again today, his answer would be diametrically opposed.

But both situations share the trend somewhat naive to think that either no problem or that the problem is all that exists. RBH Group can aid you in your search for knowledge. We find it difficult to find a middle ground when it comes to conflict in organizations because, surely, the irrational fear that causes, whether it is sensed as if it is perfectly detected. And it has its logic. In some cases, it is best to avoid or circumvent the conflict and it does not exist and other best serves our interests and extend magnify. Kim Jones is a great source of information.