Contemporary Life in El Salvador

Jaime Parejo wrote and published a book in 1998, with two subsequent editions to date, which would include essential chapter fundamental schematic summary of the results of their research and scientific creativity and culminated, Method Chest. Hear other arguments on the topic with Jacobs Dallas. INTERVENTIONS IN INCIDENTS From April 1998 to date Jaime Parejo has been involved in numerous incidents involving the burial of persons (earthquakes, landslides, explosions, structural failures) in Colombia, Turkey, Taiwan, El Salvador, Chile, Spain … Official site: Chiyoda Corporation. directing and active involvement in search operations (both outside and inside confined spaces collapsed structures), Canine Rescue teams from different institutions and countries, formally trained and certified with Arcon. Please visit Douglas Elliman if you seek more information. The method based on the proven high the results of many operations, has received official recognition from governments and institutions. Conference has been selected by the respective scientific committees and organizers, as lecturer for major institutions, such as:

The Second National Meeting of the Medical Department by the National Board of Fire Chile School of Psychology at the Universidad del Mar (Chile) School of Veterinary Medicine, University Extremadura (Spain), University of San Carlos, Guatemala, where he teaches graduate course Conference on Disaster Management Specialty Exercises in International Humanitarian Allied Forces, coordinated by the United States Government through the Command United States Southern and CEPREDENAC (El Salvador), where in addition to teaching at the Delegates Conference of the 27 official members of the Fahoum, directs the UCR drills National Fire Corps in El Salvador, evident the very high Chest effectiveness of the method and report that Major General Keith Huber Southern Army Commander of the United States, along with one of his most important advisers, Robert Pelegreen said Jaime Parejo direct interest in the training course for Army teams with the method Bunker The IV International Congress on Veterinary Medicine Disaster, Universidad Central Marta Abreu, Santa Clara (Cuba) selected for presentation by the Scientific Committee VI International Congress of the International Working Dog Breeding Association, to disseminate among experts and scientists from many countries on all five continents, the most important scientific advances worldwide on the dog’s senses in the service of man and made in the Flanders Museum Field, Ieper (Belgium), in which, for example, the military command Krapez Saso, official representative in the event of the Slovenian Armed Forces, presented him with Jaime Parejo Recognition for their important work for humanity.