Continuing Drop In Prices?

Continued stagnation in the real estate market of the Crimea forced sellers to reduce again their prices. Already almost no doubt that after years and sometimes unjustified rise in prices occurred when the bursting of the bubble-inflated prices. There are still many sellers who are trying to keep the pre-crisis prices, although they will soon have to capitulate, changing price tags on their windows. First months of 2009 clearly showed that the downward trend in prices of real estate of Crimea continues. First of all, it concerns the secondary real estate market. Prices steadily falling, while demand is poor. The number of actual transactions over the same period last year, fell several times, despite the changed value. (Source: Ron Beit).

Primary real estate market also continues to decline, but at a slower pace due to the suspension of many developers of their projects. It is worth noting that commercial property has come under "crisis mood". Downturn made itself felt. A large number of vacant retail space and office buildings – familiar sight today. Already, the price of commercial real estate have gone down to around 50% of the pre-crisis proposals. In the coming months is unlikely to wait for some change. Trend continues and proposals will prevail over the demand, as analysts predict, but by late spring, the situation might change. Vendors stagnant facilities will be ready for significant discounts and bargaining, outperforming the market.

So way, there will be a small activation of the real estate market for new prices, but most of the way and will continue to wait until the fall, hoping to stabilize prices. Naturally, much will depend on the overall economic and political situation in the country. Real estate prices in the Crimea may please potential buyers right now, because you can find the very best deals, not waiting for the fall. Many facilities are already long enough wait for new hosts. Vendors are willing to substantial discounts, awaiting the real buyers.