
I, the undersigned, being of sound mind and clear memory of the day I take responsibility for everything that happens in my life for themselves. I am a person who loves to live. Therefore, I seek not just to survive but to live with dignity, full advantage of all the good things of life. But I realize that nothing is taken for granted, simply because what I want, so I strive to be successful in every area of your life. As a reasonable person, I understand that there is a law Cause and Effect, whereby in every phenomenon there gave birth to his cause.

And that reason is not visible or obvious, does not mean that it is not. What I got and I'm now in my life, also has a cause. AND reason for this – my choice. Every day, every hour, every minute I make a choice. Small or big. Significant or not. Pleasant or unpleasant.

Consciously or subconsciously. To act or not. And even the decision not to do choice – a choice too. And this whole series of elections in the amount of brings me closer to success or alienated from it. I understand that in whatever way I did not choose, consciously or unconsciously, under pressure or not, I'm doing it, because I want and I think most beneficial to themselves and, therefore, only I am responsible for what happens to me in life. The choice made by me in yesterday, gives the result today. The choices that I made today, will result tomorrow. That is why from today I start to make informed choices. I pledge to make decisions that bring me to success, rather than alienate him. As of today I do choice myself, but do not let yourself do it for someone another. After all, I understand that if I follow the choices made for me, it's just my choice. From now on, I choose to take responsibility for their lives for themselves. I promise not to shift responsibility to others State laws, circumstances, destiny, because it is unproductive and does not lead me to success. As of today I do choice to live life with joy and pleasure. Because we realize that to be a bleak, miserable and unsuccessful, it is also my choice, but I do not want. From now on, I choose to tell people about principle of responsibility. Because we realize that the more people become responsible for their own lives, the more harmonious environment I live, and it helps me even more success.