Control Folly

Accordingly, these books are written for a large number of average people who are dreaming of a big win for little effort, but do not intend that any take on reality. And these people will ever dream of change, and even, it seems, to do something, but, in fact, it will only be an imitation of the changes. Because in their view of the scheme of life there is one important detail, which is crucial to the issue of “try or try not to really change anything” – they inwardly know exactly what they can not change anything in my own life because “it does not happen.” They sure that it is not their best. Therefore, “self-development”, “implementing change”, “Search for yourself” – all this as if on purpose, like a game that has become a way of life. Basically, it’s not a bad game, and can be played all my life and have fun. Just good to realize that this is just an imitation, play, pretending, not seriously.

Then there will be a choice – to play again or “move into the adult league.” As Castaneda – “controlled folly” – you have total control over the extent to which it is for you seriously. Some, though, out of this toy, the illusory life of pop. You just have to slow down and ask myself – I really believe I could achieve its goal in reality? What percentage, I believe in what I can do it that way, now that I’m going? If internally you are not sure of the success of 100%, then you need to do something else, find something that has already helped others, but hence, are likely to help you, too. I want to clarify – these books and courses on their own are very useful, but they are only a small part on the way to change and do not need to wait for them what they just can not give. Incidentally, I, too, with enjoy reading these books. They are as good as supportive literature, which motivates some new quests, thought-provoking, gives some tools to work on their future.

Nevertheless, the book will not replace this with a real person – a specialist who will notice the “Gap” or “mismatch” between your goal and your habitual way of thinking or behavior stereotypes, you do not notice it. Similarly, You will probably see similar inconsistencies in other people and wonder how they somehow do not understand, it’s so obvious! All this does not mean you have to stop to deal with the questions independently. This, of course, you need to do. However, if you combine their efforts to support those who have the expertise and experience, your results will grow immensely! The result of such joint efforts of the coach and the client is significant, irreversible breakthrough in some area of life. This is the real change – the energy of desire into action and started to materialize in the physical world. I wish you and You achieve a creative state in which your thoughts will fly in front of you!