Cooperative Education

Berufsakademie practical, useful and good! The idea of the dual degree is to combine that benefit students and businesses alike from theory and practice through high-quality programs. The main task of the vocational colleges is to educate qualified and practice-oriented young for the economy. The study has a regular study period of six semesters and characterized by a special tight connection between theory and practice (dual system). One half of the training in the company provided and the other half in the professional Academy. This theoretical and practical phases alternated then in the rhythm of about three months. Also abroad are possible depending on the company. The number of companies that offer dual places in collaboration with a professional Academy, has risen rapidly.

Also the number of the offered dual degree programmes is increasing. This development shows impressive, up how much dual degree programmes are now perceived by the economy as a way qualified professionals for their own use to train. There is also another indication how much has increased the competition for top talent. A dual course of study requires the Abitur or the Fachhochschulreife (vocational diploma) and the completion of a training or employment contract at a partner company of the professional Academy. The selection of students for a dual admission is made by the company.

There are no strict allocation only after Numerus Clausus. Other factors are taken into account. These include among others the Abitur grade as well as the individual notes – especially in the subjects of study-middle. Also commitment and team work, be evaluated among others appreciatively through previous participation in organizations or clubs. The Berufsakademie degrees are usually just accepted as the technically comparable diplomas of universities of applied sciences in the labour market. The dual study ends with a Bachelor’s degree (BA). Then usually starts regular employment in the partner company. Note: Many dual degree programs are also internationally-oriented for some time. Foreign language teaching is often a must. Abroad, such as internships and exchange programmes, are many. Advantages and disadvantages of cooperative education – guide/study/dual degree is bildungsdoc education service and guidance for schools, parents, students, trainees, graduates, students and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to all training. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training.