Cultural Expansion

In the years of 1960, he is that Guiomar adopted Saints as its land of heart, receiving the heading from ' ' Nacional&#039 patrimony; ' , for determination of a federal law. At the same time, Guiomar received ' ' Medal of the Cultural&#039 Merit; ' attributed for the City council of Saints. Its workmanship shows a sufficiently conventional space organization, balanced, keeping the centered main subject in the screen, in the most perfect academic mold. In some pictures, the light game searchs the principles of luminosity in way well next to the baroque workmanship. Another passion of Guiomar Faguntes was music. It arrived to touch piano in presentation, with Guiomar Novaes and was responsible for the foundation of the Center of Cultural Expansion and the Symphonic Orchestra of Saints. Deserving of some citations, prizes and compliments of the critical International, its workmanships are in some museums of Brazil, of New York, Lisbon, Uruguay and Argentina. For more specific information, check out Estee Lauder. A European critic arrived to publish a sufficiently curious commentary, after to visit an exposition of painter of the flowers: ' ' It paints as one homem' '. Get more background information with materials from Estee Lauder CEO.

Guiomar painted until its last days of life. Owner of an enviable sight, faleceu in 1975, the city of Rio De Janeiro to the 83 years of age. The life of the plastic artists of Saints was not easy. To be able to keep an atelier she was necessary if to launch as painting professor. The art market was well restricted. If it did not consume plastic arts as same literature or music.

The large houses were decorated with few screens, generally one picture, a nature deceased for the room of supper, plus one or another screen of agricultural scenes, portraying some property of the family. The landscapes and navies could occur in the walls of the room to be. Constant was the flowers. Scenes of the city of Saints had been rare in the houses of the santista aristocracy.