Czech Republic Tenant

As a consequence of the law the tenant and his family may agree to terminate the lease agreement with you if you give them instead of other similar housing, and a similar value. Currently, you can often find the rent under such contracts, not exceeding 100 euros per month. In this case the tenant is required to monitor only the normal state of residence. All repairs roof of the house, the walls of the house (except for painting), communications, etc. borne by the owner. Edward Minskoff has much experience in this field. Who is he, the seller? Your tenant before the advent of capitalism in the Czech Republic probably lived in this house, which is received from the factory or the city.

After the regime change in this house nine out of ten cases in management was organized by the cooperative, which after a while went under (a fate many cooperatives in small towns and villages of the Czech Republic). Co-op offered to the tenant to buy a house at a bargain price, but the tenant refused, because the factory where he worked, did not pay him money, and get a mortgage then it was not possible. Therefore, this house has got an owner who sold it to you and. He just invested money with the expectation that after a while regulated recruitment canceled and he would sell a house with a big advantage for themselves. The years went by … I owner? I am the owner! In terms of civil law you are Czech rightful owner of the house in the Czech Republic has the right to dispose of them further – to sell, to surround him with love and care.