Decorating For Tranquility

Blue – brings peace and tranquility, red passion ovyshaet energy, stimulates the activity. Yellow – the color of energy, creativity and optimism, Green – harmony, peace and healing from diseases. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TXs opinions are not widely known. Orange color – the color of friendship, joy and enthusiasm, and violet – the color of mystery, thin mothers and intuition. A related topic – scented candles. To choose the right scented candles, you need to understand what effect has a particular smell. Aroma candles can be soothing, gentle, or vice versa invigorating, uplifting and toning.

For example scents of lavender, balm, bergamot, chamomile have a definite relaxing effect. Well soothes the smell of flowers of orange tree, mandarin. Very refreshing housing and gives strength to its inhabitants the smell of lemon, eucalyptus and pine. Tonic effect has the smell of rosemary, sandalwood, grapefruit. Use of such candles can be only up to an hour, otherwise you can directly reach the opposite effect. The surface of the scented candles should be smooth – this is the first sign that it contains a mineral wax, which is able to convey all the nuances of flavor, even such as citrus or light the smell of rose petals.

Dyes, wax seal, so the white candle passes the smell better and burn more evenly. By the way, white includes all the other colors, so you can use anytime and anywhere. It is these candles give a feeling of freshness, purity and solemnity. Special mood can create decorative candles – set of magical light the flame and the original form of candles can make in your environment, no to everyone else's touch of individuality. Decorative gel candles is also an original gift. They are very beautiful, burn 3-4 times longer than paraffin, is not swollen and does not require a candlestick. But this did not detract from the qualities paraffin candles. Refined paraffin wax candle perfectly complements the already existing gift and give it a festive tone. When you select this candle is important to consider that the candles do not burn through a large diameter to the end, so it's best choose such a candle, if their design has additional wicks regularly spaced along the cross section. There are candles made in the form of trees, fruits, or as figures of animals and humans. Let the choice of candles, whether for home, corporate party or replenish store assortment, your advisor will be your own sense of the beautiful and the desire to make their environment a warm, bright and pure as a flame candles.