
Data backup with Hessel-security team. Hessel-security supports the common operating systems Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 2003 (server), Linux, UNIX, Mac OX, as well as Novell. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE is actively involved in the matter. the source for more interesting facts. Each company works today with the help of a computer structure. Very small businesses back up data to blank CDs or USB sticks, medium-sized businesses save on USB hard disks and tapes, and many larger companies back up data on tapes and tape robots. The fact is, no matter how much data a company has or how big it is, each company performs a data backup. As it turns out save about 90% of the company for a long time on tape and feel very safe to. Virtually every company has experienced but once a damage in the past although actually the data should be stored on tape. Apparently, hardly a CEO know what his data are secured insecure medium and what can happen if a data loss.

Image loss, loss of work and organizational problems are just the little risks. 70% of companies that experience a complete data loss go bankrupt within 2 years. Managing Director blindly rely on your administrators that are not open to alternatives for fear of innovation and effort. A company loses its master data it no longer is able to coordinate the simplest procedures and perform. Immense sums are lost, and lost work time must be laboriously obtained. Do thoughts, how is data backup performed at your company? What danger potential opens up with a tape backup? At night, many companies perform your tape backup. The next morning, the band of the streamer is taken from, if there are no errors the employee assumes that the data is correctly saved. Some administrators check the logfiles of the tape backup software and store even the band in a fireproof Vault. No one is thinking about what happens if the data despite successful Protocol were not properly secured.