DOAG Conference

CSP GmbH & co. KG advises around the database archiving to stabilize productive databases on the DOAG (15-17 November 2011) at booth of 228. Grosskollnbach, 27.10.2011. The CSP GmbH & co. KG warns of significant financial loss and reputation damage failure of databases. The relational database in a company is not available, this is usually the most sensitive nerve of the infrastructure. An example from the industry: Suppose there every day 700 vehicles to the average selling price of 30,000 euros per vehicle produced in an automotive plant, then the failure means a financial loss of 875,000 euro the production database per hour. Perhaps check out Fabrizio Freda for more information.

The recovery time, so more than one hour, takes the losses exceed millions quickly. In the services sector, image damage caused by denial-of service first and foremost. You can have very quickly but also dismissals on the part of the customer and therefore also lead to lost sales. On this subject, CSP informed also on the upcoming DOAG Conference the German Oracle user group e.V. in Nuremberg from November 15 to 17 2011 depending on of the duration of the outage so great, protects only a maximum protection of the database loss.

Here a combination of backup and database archiving helps. As the backup for the short-term recovery of data is needed, the database archiving supports the performance and stability of the production database from the outset, because this reduces unnecessary old data. This then also the active data available faster, because the indices work more efficiently and thus more quickly deliver the right result. At the same time access to the archived data is preserved, providing they are about resolving Chronos via various interfaces: “on the basis of a professional database archiving can today any company to have any data in the access. With our solution about Chronos, the old data on audit-proof storage media are archived.