Editors Note

Happens that he also stated: there are men who are fighting a day and are good. There are others who fight for a year, and are best. They are those struggling for many years, and are very good. But only those who struggle throughout his life, those are essential. There then arises the hero, in the definition of the own Germanic writer. Ah, if Brecht would have known the Evangelio-Apocalipsis of Jesus! Obviously no cobwebs, as he preached Zarur, and Yes in spirit and truth in the light of the new commandment of the Christ, which is the law of solidarity without borders (love one another as I have loved you.

Only in this way can be recognized as my disciples () no one has greater love than this: give his own life for his Gospel of Christ, according to St. John, friends 13: 34 and 35 and 15: 12 and 13), would have understood that all active rebellion, born as a reaction to the cynicism that is scattered around the world, must move beyond iconoclasmto be able to lift, disorder, the bases of a humanity really better. Is not enough with destroy what is wrong; above all, what is necessary, and most difficult, is to build. Only love makes in depth. Its action is patient, both as energetic, but definitive. The light, then, would illuminate the path of men, freeing peoples from tripping in the dark, fed by Confucianist of all shades.

Do not will be happening with Brazil?, which, by signal, ended arrumando a hero without character, which have, in any way, happy and voracious imitators; Macunaima, which, like crazy, going destroying, without before not even build. Looks, therefore, that, in the plaza, Barabbas continues even today to be chosen. Quousque tandem, Catiline? Actually, poor people and the time they need false heroes! Editors Note: text published in the Popular daily, San Pablo/SP, on 30 April 1998. Original author and source of the article