Education and Society

These studies would serve to measure the level of ambient perception of the society and with this to develop programs that if fit in the local reality. To consider necessary the elaboration of studies of ambient perception before the implementation of programs of Ambient Education is related with the fact of the practical Ambient Education to be one that it inserts social aspects, cultural, economic, politicians, aspects these, that vary of context for context and that when observed the result is not practically convicted to the failure. with the failure of the programs is common to hear accusations to the population moambicana, considering it incapable, retrograde, imprisoned the descontextualizados habits and for it are there. Another question that I consider pertinent, is related with the information that is spread in these programs of Ambient Education. Many times these programs are loaded of personal perceptions (of the people that them had drawn) that he is resulted of its construction of pointers on what they are ambient problems, ambient risks, etc. With this, they can contribute for the construction of serious pointers of ambient risk in the society, that in the truth can not be serious an ambient risk.

2 a case clearly, we have the emission of gases for the Mozal without use of filters (CTF1 and CTF2). In mine to see, had an alarm probably above of the necessary one, a time that after the period of emission of the gases without use of filters, the report comes to prove that it did not have emission of gases that had damaged the environment. 3 What I want here to say is, if all we know that the Mozal polui, and leave of this estimated that it polui, then without the filters we consider that he will go to poluir still more, therefore they had developed serious pointers of ambient risk and had spread in the society, provoking with this panic in the seio of the community that lives around of the Mozal.