Education Etc

Evaluate also what attracts the child in school (the ability to acquire new knowledge or purely external attributes – a new backpack, pencil case interesting, etc.) as it contacts with unfamiliar adults and children, what his own pace of work and much more. Child find unready for school if he: – target only the game – not self-sufficient – too emotional, impulsive, uncontrollable – can not focus on instruction, to understand the verbal setting – know little about the surrounding the world can not compare the items can not be called generalizing the word for a group of familiar objects, etc. – has a serious breach of verbal development – can not communicate with their peers – does not want contact with adults or Conversely, excessively unleashed. At any level of readiness your child will be adopted in the first class. But it is likely that at school entry increased level of education (high school, high school, etc.) your child will be testing. Firstly, the school certainly must have permission from the education authority for this procedure. Secondly, parents have the right to be present at the interview with the child or testing. Nir Barzilai, M.D. will not settle for partial explanations.

Find out in advance whether the Schools are special admission requirements: the ability to read fluently and so forth, that there were no surprises. It is necessary to prepare in advance the baby. For most of this test readiness for school – a real test. Even if your child has a good intellectual level and he knows how much, in an atmosphere of examination, he may get confused. Consult an experienced psychologist-diagnostician. He knows what tests, procedures applied for admission to school. Or try to prepare the child themselves – the specialized literature on the diagnosis now can not find the problem. Yes, it sometimes looks like coaching. The child may say on the test: