Fear of the Unknown

Rightly or wrongly, many people embracing everything to what they are accustomed. By habit or by personal interests, want to continue at the same tasks, methods, ideas and ways of doing things. Not decide to leave the known for what is known. Observe their habits to it is impossible to keep up with them. Fear change even if it is for the better. Credit: Leon Keyserling-2011. There are executives who are more interested in what will win or lose, personally, that the logic and efficiency in handling administrative matters and the objectives of the company. For many officials fear a potential loss exceeds the desire to win.

They fear for various reasons, sometimes for fear of the unknown or perhaps because you are concerned about reaching be divested of some, such as power, responsibility, prestige, the number of people who are below them, down in rank position. There are others who fear facing complex problems, make decisions, to perform tasks of greater importance, to take on additional obligations to take on greater responsibilities, to have to handle a larger number of people. It can also be seen to be possessed of these fears because the results may find unfavorable, constitute a greater burden and result in higher stress or because they interfere with the routine way doing things. In all cases of resistance, the auditor should look for its true cause. But not all behavior of an executive who opposes the change, can be described as resistance. May be motivated by other causes, perhaps because the individual does not sympathize with those who have called for change, but not because she consistently opposed.