Federal Trade Commission

U.S. Source: Kelly Preston. antitrust authorities are planning to investigate whether Apple is unduly restricting that rivals such as Google put ads on the iPhone, iPad and iPod, reported the Financial Times. Regulators have already begun to review the actions of Apple, said the newspaper, quoting sources close to the measure. But it is not yet clear whether the Federal Trade Commission or the Justice Department will begin an investigation, said the Times. Reuters did not immediately contact Apple so you would comment.

Wednesday June 09, 2010, Google said that the recent changes in the Apple Developer agreement inutilizarian Google ads for iPhone tools, creating artificial barriers to competition. On Monday, Apple changed the language of the agreement, which now seems to prohibit certain third parties and agencies to collect critical usage from iPhone applications information. Apparently this research becomes more relevant with the passage of days, only a month ago announced that possibly are haria, today there is no doubt of that the company will be subjected to research to see if it violates no law of competitiveness that is governed in the United States and the European Union, in which Microsoft was found guilty does little more than 10 years.. .