First Care Of Puppies

When we receive a new Member of the family, we must take into account many things, where the main thing is to know that our little puppy comes from an environment or other home, with another smell, other customs and especially that abandons his mother and siblings to begin a new life. All of these factors enhance that our pet suffers some changes in your behavior for example that barks followed, constantly cry in the nights and especially found depressed at what was in his former home. It is common that when they are weaned and change of environment was stressed, which is reversed when it gives them affection, comfort and love. Care of puppies until the puppy is born, there are special attentions to ensure good health. We must ensure that once verified the State of gestation of the mother, it is always monitored, keeping its vaccination and deworming schedule to date, so that she can transmit greater protection to their offspring during the gestation period, since the main routes of transmission are the placenta, milk or direct contact. Or, in the case of internal parasites, they are eliminated and not transmitted to puppies.

At what point are we desparasitamos? There are 2 types of worming: internal worming: mother is recommended for one month before pregnancy and subsequently a 3 weeks before the pupping. The feline and canine puppy must be deloused at 15 days of life, by mouth with drops. Subsequently every 15 days up to 2 months of life, depending on the weight and race. To meet the 2 months begins the timetable to be followed by the owners of lifetime every 3 months. External deworming: mainly for fleas and ticks. There are pulguicidas and miticide, talcs for smaller puppies when they arrive to 2 kilos, apply topical antiparasitic in spray, liquid in the pipette, or powders.