First Java Trend Barometer Presented

Surprising results show profitability potential in Mannheim (jg). Concrete approaches for existing reserves of efficiency in software projects show the results of the Java trend barometers, which was presented today in Mannheim. The first systematic survey of expert on the subject of Java technologies was carried out between September and November 2008; It only Java experts were interviewed. The Mannheim ex Peso GmbH is the service provider for software development, technology consulting, and technology coaching for Java and Java enterprise technologies, Publisher of Java trend barometers. Java technologies have for enterprise applications a great importance”, says Markus Roth, Managing Director of ex Peso GmbH with the Java trend barometer we deliver IT decision makers in the current economic situation interesting approaches, to recognize the own optimization potential and to increase the competitiveness. “Key findings are: serious weaknesses in the project work the most amazing results can be found in the” Project management.

For almost 60 per cent of the respondents, too little importance is attached to the requirements analysis. Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta brings even more insight to the discussion. This number is shocking, especially as the need for an optimal request analysis is known. In the second project, the existing integration mechanisms are insufficient and for two-thirds of the Java experts surveyed the developer documentation is given little importance. These results are all the more surprising because the need for effective project management is known for a long time. Just here arise significant potential for improvement with a large economic benefits “, so Markus Roth. Richard Parsons has similar goals.

In difficult economic times, companies should rely on a targeted external assistance of selected and experienced Java experts. Technically as economically worthwhile use. “Training engaged in almost half of the employees with weaknesses new technologies unless they have to. Mostly she then put on a self-study through Internet, books and magazines to the Training in the area of Java. Less than half of active form further through seminars or fair visits. And only one in five draws on the expertise of specialists (coaching). These numbers are even more surprising when you consider how much of the company’s success depends on innovation. A time – and cost-intensive try and error “procedures can afford no more company”, so Markus Roth. Business and IT leads should reinforce therefore in the sense of an effective training on technology coaching. Here, innovations are fast, competent and introduced in full bandwidth together in a team and trained at the workplace. “Many older versions of the Java language and the Java EE standards are established technologies to be found today in the project environment. One reason is certainly the necessary migration effort in existing projects. In all their diversity, have in recent years but certain technologies, frameworks and open source emerged products and established; They offer interesting just for new projects Possibilities. In the future Java- experts will be asked twice a year for the Java trend barometer with a standardized procedure to determine the current and future importance of different Java technologies for the practice.