Florian Laurisch

Premiere: Ekumo GmbH for the first time on the tool presentation to the Web-based editorial system Berlin, Ekumo the completely Web-based content management system for technical documentation is tekom annual Conference in Wiesbaden at the heart of the trade fair premiere of the Berliner developer at the tekom annual Conference from 3rd to 5th of November 2010 in Wiesbaden. The software company shows its system on the booth of 337 in Hall 3. Company representatives Florian Laurisch, such as in the editorial system shows part of a tool presentation Ekumo language and terminology rules are validated and controlled. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, November 3, 2010, at 5: 00 in the room 2A2 within the Rhein-Main-Hallen. The Web-based content management system Ekumo supports companies in industry and manufacturing in the decentralised creation and use of technical documentation. Technical editors create the content for the documentation related to browser-based integrated text and image editors directly in the content management system Ekumo. Software-based validation and approval processes ensure that the System only editorially approved and CI compliant texts and images keeps ready. Employees and partners, such as sales, marketing, engineering and maintenance, can retrieve anytime and anywhere the technical documentation tailored to their needs in the world via the Ekumo Web browser-based interface.

The Ekumo system enables the output media print, cross-media publishing PDF, Internet or multimedia DVD. The provision of technical documentation for the international market is thanks to the Internet-based, distributed approach to work efficiently and economically feasible. Ekumo simplifies and unifies the translation workflow through integrated terminology management acrolinx IQ, which examines technical terms in many languages and validated. The content management system Ekumo optimize the cooperation of manufacturers and suppliers. Industrial enterprises from the fields of automotive engineering, medical technology or engineering, need access to technical documentation not only from the company’s own stock, usually but also from the documentary archives of the suppliers.

Supplier documentation must be itself firmly integrated in the technical documentation according to the law, a provision as a separate system is not sufficient. Ekumo offers several ways to integrate the supply information promptly and plausible in the own technical documentation: the information can be supplied, for example through media-neutral XML data from a content management system and imported. About the Ekumo GmbH: The Ekumo GmbH is specialized on the development and marketing of the same content management system for the technical documentation. The company headquartered in Berlin was founded in late 2009 as a spin-off of Digiden GmbH. Previously, together with experts from science and practice already more than seven years, a designated team has invested in product development. Ekumo is the fully online-based content management system and includes all functions that are necessary for creating, editing, organizing, test and publish technical documents and complex product information. The integrated developer environment to the multilingual publication Ekumo maps all workflows. Especially companies with multiple distributed locations and suppliers benefit from the collaboration approach. You all can access up to date information without delay.