Foreign Language

Men who are creative, inventive, finders. The second goal of the education is to form minds that are in conditions to criticize, to verify and not to accept everything that they if prope.’ ‘ (Jean Piaget) Hodiernamente the absence of motivation for the learning of the English as Foreign Language has been one of the responsible factors for educational failure. We can observe a constant insatisfao of the professors and the pupils in frequenting the schools. According to Cristvo and Gamero (2009), the professor who leciona children necessary to work motivacionais factors that can contribute for a process that involve discovered, interaction and challenge. According to Freire (1996 P.

32), ‘ ‘ it would not have creativity without the curiosity that moves in them and that it puts in them patiently impatient ahead of the world that we did not make, adding to it something that fazemos’ ‘. Therefore it is of utmost importance to provoke reflections in the more current, different pedagogical professors how much to the application of practical, such as the playful activities, as a form of contribution for an education, dynamic, pleasant and more efficient, as much for the pupil, how much for the professor. Juy (2004) salient that the educative games are excellent chances of mediation between the pleasure and the knowledge. Other important aspects, inherent they, are the stimulaton and the aiding of learning through the interaction between pupils and professors. Importance of interactions in classroom is noticed it, mainly, when the apprenticees are children. The focus of attention of the children is fast. According to Rock (2009), Brown (2001) mentions that the difference between the adult apprentice and the child falls again in the focus of attention of both.