Frequently Asked Questions About Buying Property In The Czech Republic

Frequently asked questions about buying property as a foreigner can buy property in Czech Republic? Conditions for buying opportunities: The presence of a registered company in the Czech Republic – the purchase is carried out by your firm. Is it possible to get a mortgage? You can – if permanent residence. Or to your company, it is desirable that it has not yet conducted any activities, and at least 25% of the property you are financing of its assets (of the firm). What is at stake mortgage loans to private individuals (in the presence of permanent residence) – up to 6% per annum to the company – up to 8% per annum. What are property taxes? Low: for example, 2-bedroom flat in a year from about 15 euros for medium-sized cottage – the order of 50 Euro.

Who carries out the state registration of property rights? Inventory of real estate through its regional offices. Is it enough it will be for the firm to take home their own firms as individual? Enough. What are the housing prices in Prague? Average price of new housing 2000 euros per square meter, 2-bedroom apartment in a secondary fund worth 100 000 euros. Nir Barzilai, M.D.: the source for more info. And in the province? Vary by region and size of the city. 2-3-bedroom apartment area of 68 square meters. meters in the old fund in Pardubice – 1,6 million euros (a year ago – 1.2 million) in Liberec – 1.0 million (last year 0.8 million).

At the same time in the Most (North Bohemia), the same apartment can still be bought for 300 thousand euros. More information is housed here: Munear Ashton Kouzbari. Ten of the thirteen regional centers (corresponding to the Russian city district) the average price of a standard apartment has already exceeded the boundary million kroons. The remaining three of the city – Ceske Budejovice, Ostrava and Usti nad Labem. How to grow property prices in the Czech Republic? Depending on the region – at 8-30% per year. Where better to buy an apartment in Prague? Looking for something: to invest in the calculation of the growth – in the historic center, for a quiet life – in any area, for delivery in rent – the Metro. Promising areas – Zizkov and Smichov, Pankratz, Letany, Prosek, Chimitse, Bognitse. There is a tax on property sales. What is it? With the sale of property, the seller pays a special tax of 3%. Whether the business is attractive as a small family hotel? Extremely attractive. The main advantage – there is no seasonality, tourists traveling to the Czech Republic year round. The main condition – the existence of a reliable partner in Russia, which will send to your customers. How many take the Czech realtors? Like everywhere else – from 3 to 6% of the transaction.